Bingley Grammar School

A Message from Mr Weston

Dear Parents and Carers,

I would like to welcome you and your son/daughter to our school community. At Bingley Grammar School we strive to make the transition process as easy as possible for both parents and students.

In the up and coming transition days, your sons and daughters will learn about our school ethos and also be well on their way to getting their first of many LORIC awards: 

Click here to read more about our School Ethos >>

With regards finding out about your children, we are currently liaising with primary schools to find out about the students and their needs and interests. This process carries on up until July and sometimes in September (if events happen in your son/daughters lives that we need to be aware of).

Joining Year 7

On joining Year 7 students are placed into 12 mixed ability Tutor Groups taking into account friendship groups, a mixture of pupils from various Primary Schools and a full range across all abilities. These groups will have some lessons together including PSHCE where students will learn about the ethos of our school and how this links to wider life.

Parent/Carers and students are understandably nervous at this time; this is perfectly normal. But there is no need to worry, your child’s welfare, development and happiness is paramount to us and we want all our students to achieve their full potential. Your child will be continually encouraged to give her/his best and we will communicate with you when they do well through text messages, Class Charts, certificates and parents’ evenings. There are lots of challenges for them to meet, such as ‘Star of the Week’, our ‘Weekly Attendance Challenge’ and weekly prizes which include chocolates, vouchers and group pizza lunches.

Essentially we aim to make this a three-way partnership between your child, the Year 7 team and you; the parent/carers. We encourage you to get in touch with us if you or your child have any queries or concerns, likewise we will be in contact with you should we need to. We will endeavour to return phone calls or e-mails if you have a problem, as soon as we can. Be assured that we will deal with any issue in a sensitive and confidential way.

On behalf of all our staff and students I would like to welcome your family to our school community and we look forward to meeting you all soon.

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