Bingley Grammar School

Art & Design 

Useful Resources and Revision Support

Link to Specification
AQA Resources

Tate Modern

National Portrait Gallery

Recommended Art & Design Books:
Wider Reading List - Art & Design

At Bingley Grammar we aim to teach students how to be independent learners; to be creative, to develop critical analysis skills, to be reflective practitioners, to cultivate self-discipline and to be intrinsically motivated.

The Art and Design department aims to provide a broad and enriching artistic experience through the study of a wide range of image making styles, materials and techniques. Students will learn and apply visualisation skills, research and analyse the work of other artists, develop creative thinking and problem solving skills and learn how to experiment in order to realise their ideas and achieve successful outcomes. Students are encouraged to take creative risks and to be as imaginative, creative and original as possible when applying the skills they have learned.

Image making skills are practiced and developed at KS3 through schemes of work that are accessible yet challenging. Portraiture, landscape art, the birth of abstraction, non-western art, street art and sculpture with recycled materials are among the topics covered. Students are asked to use unfamiliar materials and think about new and exciting approaches to the subject. Research exposes them to a variety of interesting Artists – both traditional and contemporary - that demonstrate a chronology of artistic ideas that puts Art and Design into a context that students can understand and be challenged and inspired by. Fine art, sculpture and printmaking all feature as key elements.

In Year 8 students undertake a photography project where they explore the idea of identity. This is part of a carousel of subjects (an 8-11 week block).


KS4 Exam Board Specification: AQA GCSE Art and Design: Art, Craft and Design

Link to Specification and mark scheme:


The department runs Art Club on Thursdays after school where students in all years have the freedom to create personal work and experiment with different materials. We also offer subject specific support sessions for students in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13. We hold art and photographic competitions and encourage our students to engage their creativity.

Curriculum Overview

 Year 7

  • Tone and Form
  • Gradients and 3 dimensionality
  • Collage and perspective techniques
  • Pattern and Colour
  • Colour mixing
  • The various ways to apply paint
  • Poly-print
  • How to understand and use the art of another culture in their own work 
  • Stylize and Exaggerate 
  • Develop observational skills
  • Proportion and Scaling
  • Understanding the work of other artists
  • Experiment with colour

Year 8

  • Develop Art terms and language
  • Viewpoints and Cubism
  • Explore a variety of materials – including oil pastel sgraffito, mixing and blending paint, developing pattern and using collage
  • To explore, refine and develop ideas of overlapping viewpoints

Year 9

Street Art:

  • Develop Art terms and language
  • Explore a variety of materials and techniques – including collage, different kinds of drawing and painting
  • To explore, refine and develop ideas through looking at the work of others.

Microscopic images:

  • Use of microscopic images as a starting point to develop work.
  • Explore a variety of materials and techniques –including drawing, printmaking and sculpture
  • To explore, refine and develop ideas through looking at the work of other artists.

Year 10

Natural Form:

  • They will gain greater understanding of how to use nature as a starting point to develop work.
  • Research artists Georgia O'keeffe 
  • Explore abstraction and a variety of materials and techniques – including photography, different kinds of drawing and painting
  • Select, plan and produce an outcome that realizes intentions and uses the techniques that you have explored.


  • They will gain greater understanding of how to use the landscape as a starting point to develop work.
  • They will learn to explore a variety of materials and techniques – including photography, different kinds of drawing and painting
  • research artists Anselm Keifer and Dennis Creffield
  • Visit to Kirkstall abbey to record and collect 1 source material
  • Visit from artist Jake Attree learning painting and drawing techniques
  • Produce an outcome to the theme of landscape.

Year 11

Year 11 Mock Exam:

  • Take a starting point from an example of a GCSE controlled test paper.
  • They will produce research pages that demonstrate an understanding of how a variety of artists have approached their chosen topic.
  • Students will explore, develop and refine techniques appropriate to the chosen topic.
  • They will record relevant ideas and insights through annotation, drawing and photography where appropriate
  • Students will present a personal and meaningful response to their chosen theme that demonstrates an understanding of the work of others and meets intentions.

Controlled Test - Personal Exam:

  • Take a starting point from their GCSE controlled test paper.
  • They will produce research pages that demonstrate an understanding of how a variety of artists have approached their chosen topic.
  • Students will explore, develop and refine techniques appropriate to the chosen topic.
  • They will record relevant ideas and insights through annotation, drawing and photography where appropriate
  • Students will present a personal and meaningful response to their chosen theme that demonstrates an understanding of the work of others and meets intentions.


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